losing Date: 24 Nov 2021 (Refer Contest Link)
About Interizon hackathon:
Interizon hackathon 2021 is a 36 hrs long hackathon. The major goal of this hackathon is to empower students community by mentoring and encouraging them through Ted speakers, mentors, and entrepreneurs from around the world. Through Interizon, we are determined to create a hackathon that promotes social good through technology. This goal will be accomplished by encouraging participants to build projects that address social injustice or global issues. Interizon is India's first student-led hackathon that offers blockchain-based certifications.
The themes of Interizon hackathon 2021 are
Digital Technology
Smart City
Each team builds a project based on one of these themes, which is judged on presentation, UI/UX design, and functionality, among other things.
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About Organizers:
The organizers of Interizon Hackathon are Innovation Geeks and Effortless Event Co.
Innovation Geeks is a forward-looking company focused on building products and solutions. We convert your ideas into reality. We offer web design, app development, graphic design, and web applications. Have a glance at our website: http://innovationgeeks.live/
Effortless Event Co. is the event organizer for Interizon hacks, We are an event marketing and logistics company in event management. We provide services such as birthday parties, weddings and ceremonies, surprise parties and corporate events. Have a glance at our website: https://effortlesseventco.com/
Rules and Regulations:
The Interizon Hackathon takes place over 36 hours.
Students from both high school and college, regardless of gender, are eligible to join. Each team would consist of two to four people, including the team leader.
The name of the team leader should be clearly stated on the Registration Form.
Clearly communicate the email-ids and mobile numbers of all team members as well.
The Team Name should be unique and not contain the name of your institute in any form.
Teams should be made up exclusively of students (or recent graduates within 2 years of having graduated) who are not organizers, volunteers, judges, sponsors, or in any other privileged position at the event.
Teams can use libraries, frameworks, or open-source code in their projects. Working on a project before the event and open-sourcing it for the sole purpose of using the code during the event is against the rules of the hackathon and is not allowed.
The Judges' judgment shall be final and binding in the event of a tie.
Contest Timelines:
Registration & Idea Submission: Each team should choose a theme from the list below and submit their ideas. The selected teams will advance to the Semi Finals following a basic internal examination. (24 Oct'21 12:00 AM IST - 24 Nov'21 11:50 PM IST)
Semi Final: Shortlisted teams will be subjected to a second internal screening before being invited to the Grand Finale. (25 Nov'21 12:00 AM IST - 01 Dec'21 12:00 AM IST)
Grand Finale: Give yourself a pat on the back of the shoulder! You've progressed to the final round of this competition. The competitors who have been shortlisted will be notified to come forward and present their project to the jury. We've got some more interesting plans in the works, so look forward to seeing you there! (10 Dec'21 09:30 AM IST - 12 Dec'21 02:30 PM IST)
Registration Fee:
Interizon Hackathon registration is completely free.
For Winners:
Internships in top emerging companies with stipend
Courses From Ed-matrix
Winners Certificate Issued by Truscholar
Amazon credit points
Top 10 Teams:
Appreciation Certificate issues by Truesholar
Swages from Code for Cause
65% off on all live premium cources from code for cause
Participation certificate
1 Month free Premium product from Echo AR

For detailed Problem Statements & Register click the button:
Category of the contest: Hackathon
.............INNOVATE TO WIN..............
Enroll for TCS Codevita Employability Contest Training: www.bit.ly/tcscodevita2021pc
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Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries, and innovators to know various contest updates, we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which were given at the time of contest launch if any changes made in a contest such as a reward, date of closing, rules and regulation projectcontest.com is not responsible for the changes.