Closing Date: 15 Dec 2021 (Refer Contest Link) Reward: 2.5 Lakh INR (Total)
About TBI@Vel Tech:
Vel Tech TBI (Technology Business Incubator) enables technology embedded and innovation powered start-ups to survive and scale across a wide-spectrum of thrust areas with funding, infrastructure, mentorship, industry networking, resources and training.
The thrust areas include Digital services & Products (covering all technology based ventures including AI / ML / DL, Fintech, AR/VR, IOT, Gaming, Cloud, Big Data, Analytics, Cyber security, Mobility etc), 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, E-waste & Plastic waste management, Core Manufacturing, Healthcare and Bio-Incubation, Automobile Technology, Renewable Energy, Agriculture etc
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About VISAI:
Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology in line with the Sustainabe Development Goals(SDGs) of united Nations, enabling the students to come up with workable ideas/projects in meeting the “Real-world Engineering Challenges” with any one of the following SDGs

Contest Benefits:
Innovative projects have the opportunity to get financial support:
Incubation support financially up to Rs.10 lakhs from Vel Tech Technology Business Incubator (Vel Tech Technology Business Incubator, supported and funded by Department of Science and Technology enables start-ups with funding, infrastructure, mentor-ship, industry networking, resources and training).
Students get an opportunity to showcase their technical prowess:
To various participating industries leading to enhancement of technical knowledge, its application in industry. Vel Tech has collaboration with more than 2500 industries and these industries are invited to participate. Employment opportunities to eligible students:
This forum since being conducted by Vel Tech every year, the participating industries provide employment opportunities to a number of students after seeing their Projects and communication skills.
Further the students can patent their projects:
The best projects in each Theme will be selected for awards and Prizes. Total prize money Rs.1,50,000 for the winners and also Surprise Gifts will be awarded.
Who Can Apply:
Students pursuing: Engineering / Arts & Science.
Contest Timelines:
15/12/2021- Abstract Submission
27/12/2021- Notification of Acceptance
24/2/2021- Event
Registration Fee:
For Diploma Rs.500 & Others Rs.1000 (Team not more than 3 members)
Prize Worth: Rs.2,50,000

.............INNOVATE TO WIN..............
For detailed Problem Statements & Register click the button:
Category of the contest: Incubator Contest
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Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries, and innovators to know various contest updates, we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which were given at the time of contest launch if any changes made in a contest such as a reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.