Registration Closing Date: 30/10/2022 (refer Contest Link) Reward: Upto 1.25 Lakh INR & Startup Support
About TBI@KEC :
TBI @ KEC, a very unique facility and the first of its kind in India, was established in 2003 by Kongu Engineering College (KEC) with the grant and support of NSTEDB / Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India for a total project of Rs. 3.95 Crore to encourage startups and entrepreneurship development in the fields of advanced science and technology. TBI @ KEC provides full support to incubates from concept to commercialization at different stages including project formulation, mentoring, financial assistance, co-working space and infrastructure support.
TBI @ KEC has incubated entrepreneurs from Erode, Coimbatore, Chennai and Bangalore. Products have been launched so far for the benefit of various sectors of the economy and society (products for export). TBI @ KEC received seed funds / grants from NSTEDB, TDB and MSMEs and provided financial support in the form of a loan / grant on concessional terms to deserving incubates; projects to date. Under the NIDHI-PRAYAS program, innovators can benefit up to Rs.10 lakh as a grant to convert their innovative idea into proof of concept / prototype.
TBI @ KEC won the coveted National Award for the best TBI in the country for 2012 in recognition of its consistent good performance. The award, instituted by DST / GoI, was presented to TBI @ KEC by the President of India on May 11, 2013.
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About Startup Mania 2022:
Startup mania by TBI@KEC which is in 7th edition brings together aspiring, innovators, startups and undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students from Science, Engineering, Medicine, Polytechnic and Management from colleges and universities in TamilNadu to shape their innovative ideas for the future. Outreach Partnering Contest (Number-25)
Contest Timelines:
7th Oct-22- Open for Idea Submission
30th Oct-22-Last Date for Registration
6th Nov-22-Announcement of shortlisted Ideas(Online)
11th Nov-22-Prelims Presentation
12th Nov-22- Announcement of shortlist Ideas
17th & 18th Nov-21- Bootcamp (Residential)
19th Nov-21-FN: Final Presentation
19th Nov-21-AN: Conference and award ceremony
Contest Guidelines:
'Startup Mania' event is planned for two category of participants: - Student Innovators: UG/PG students from Engineering Colleges, Arts & Science Colleges, B-schools, Polytechnic, Medical Colleges & Agricultural Colleges.
Other Innovators . Alumni, Budding startupreneurs, startups, entrepreneurs and working professionals.
Registrations may be submitted by Individuals or by teams. A team can consist of maximum of 3 members.
A team can submit only one idea. Also, an individual can be a member of only one team.
Registration for the "Business Model competition" should be done on or before 30.10.2022
There is no registration fee.
After careful evaluation of submitted registrations, we will Shortlist participants for the prelims.
The shortlisted participants will be announced online and intimated through email. For the prelims, the shortlisted participants will have to prepare a presentation in the prescribed format.
Presentations should be mailed to not later than 08.11.2022, 04.00pm
On the day of the Prelims, Business Model should be presented in the prescribed format only. Please download template in the contest website. Not more than 15 slides.
Business Plans can be explained in English as well as Tamil. But please make sure the presentation content is primarily in English. Tamil content can be included wherever necessary.
The participants shortlisted for prelims will make his/ her own arrangement for food & travel to the venue.
Team shortlisted for finals has to attend 2 days (residential) Bootcamp at TBI@KEC. Only 2 person per team can participate in Bootcamp.
Participants for Bootcamp has to make their own travel arrangements for to and for.
Stay and food for 2 days of Bootcamp will be taken care by organizers.
Decision of the judges panel will be final. The Participants selected for finals will appear at the "Grand Finale".
"Startup Mania" event is pre-scheduled and hence they request all participants to follow deadlines.

Evaluation Parameters:
Uniqueness/ innovativenees of idea or business model
Technical feasibility (Know How & Do How)
Commercial Viability (Market,Growth/Scalability etc.,)
Social relevance (Impact on societal needs / problems etc.,)
Team strength (Execution capability/ Complimentary skill sets)
Who can Apply:
Students of undergraduate, post-graduate and PhD courses from the Science, Engineering, Medical, Polytechnic and Management streams of colleges and universities across Tamil Nadu.
Graduates, Aspirant Innovators and Startups across Tamil Nadu.
Total Cash Prize of Rs.1,10,000/-
Mentoring, Incubation* and Funding*
*Conditions Apply

.............INNOVATE TO WIN..............
To Register visit the link below:
Category of the contest: Startup Contest
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Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries, and innovators to know various contest updates, we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which were given at the time of contest launch if any changes made in a contest such as a reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.