Closing Date: 20 Feb 2020(refer Contest Link) Reward: 15 Lakhs INR(seed fund)
Contest outline:
Ideas for new India 2020 is organized keeping with the vision of the Honorable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, entrepreneurs are the basis of the social change to which India aspires and their efforts will lay the foundations for a New India, fill the gaps in the solutions required by the people. and help build the foundation to build the economic structure of a powerful India.
It is the effort of the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to allow MSMEs to focus on thinking and create innovative solutions while looking for local solutions to local problems, which could be the generation leap whose India needs to transform its social cultural and economic ecosystem into a world leader. Ideas for New India Are Invited by Innovators, Start-ups, Technocrats, Students and MSMEs from All Over India at the Office of the Development Commissioner - MSME, for `` Support for Entrepreneurial Development and management of MSMEs via incubators ''.

Focused Areas:
The Ideas could be around solving local problems from any area, however, suggested areas for the challenge are:
Hon'ble Prime Minister identified following focus areas for ideas:
Water Recycling Technologies
Recycling of waste water from household
Development of low water intensive seeds
To control leakage in supply chain
Alternatives of Plastic
Management of E- waste management
Usage of crop residue
Encouragement of bio-fuel usage
Cost effective technologies for potable water
Development of medical devices and Environment friendly vehicles under Make In India
Besides any of the following areas may also be selected for ideas submission
Agricultural Aids for Mechanization and boosting Yield
Agro Processing, Preserving & Packaging
Environment, Water, Sanitation, Waste & Recycling Management
Renewable Energy, EVs & Green Transportation
Technology & Devices for Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment & Rehabilitation of illness.
Energy Efficiency & Automation for Industrial Manufacturing
Infrastructure & Energy Efficient Housing
Security, UAVs, Disaster Management & Defence
Broad Sectors:
Aeronautics Aerospace & Defence
Airport Operations
Architecture Interior Design
Art & Photography
Computer Vision
Food & Beverages
Green Technology
Enterprise Software
Non- Renewable Energy
Healthcare & Lifesciences
Internet Of Things
Media & Entertainment
Renewable Energy
Textiles & Apparel
Transportation & Storage
Technology Hardware
Telecommunication & Networking
Waste Management
Info Video:
who can Apply?
This Contest is open to MSMEs, Indian start ups, Indian Companies, Students / Developers / Professionals / Community members
Participant(s) must be of minimum 18-years.
Students of 3rd & 4th year of undergraduate, graduate, post graduates of professional courses as well as Researchers of are allowed.
Documentary proof has to be submitted at the time of presentation. MSMEs/StartUps/Companies/Student StartUps must provide originals of their documents and registration Certificates during presentation.An applicant can apply for one idea only and can submit only one project.
Also Check: TATA Crucible Hackathon 2020
Release of Registration Link: 30th January 2020
Sensitization / Consultative Workshop for HI/BI : 30th January 2020
Campaign : 30th January 2020 – 20th Feb 2020
Scrutiny and Shortlisting of Applications: 5th Feb 2020-22nd Feb 2020
Selection & Announcement : 22nd Feb 2020 – 29th Feb 2020

Selected Ideas will get the following through the Host Incubator
Incubation Support
Seed Funding of upto 15 lakhs
............INNOVATE TO WIN............
For more details and application visit the link below:
Category of contest: startup, government
Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries and innovators to know various contest updates , we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.