Closing Date: 15 Feb 2020(refer Contest Link) Reward: Upto 70,000 INR
Contest outline:
The Tata group has always strived to undertake initiatives that provide young minds with a platform to showcase their talent and adding a Hackathon to the Tata Crucible platform is an effort to encourage young minds to think differently. They launched the Tata Crucible Hackathon in 2017 for businesses, followed by the first edition of the campus in 2018. The second edition of the Corporate Hackathon took place in 2018 and the second edition of the Campus Hackathon took place in 2019.
The 2020 edition will be a combined track for campus students and professionals and start-ups. Full-time students and full-time working professionals from all over India are encouraged to submit innovative solutions to solve our challenges for the Tata Crucible Hackathon 2020 and to be recognized. The Tata Group Technology and Innovation Office is the content partner of the Tata Crucible Hackathon.

Problem Statement:
Identification of diamond using hand-held detectors - Develop a device or detector to keep a vigilance on misuse and pilferage of diamond, which is very challenging due to its small size.
Low cost technology solution for effective sanitization of community toilets - Maintenance is the key issue in community/ household toilets in urban areas (mostly connected to sewage systems). Due to very frequent usage, there is a high chance of microbial contamination at these places which is often overlooked during maintenance and cleaning. A technology enabled stand alone or user behaviour intervention, that is affordable (keeps overall usage cost less than 1 rupee per usage) that can effectively sanitize toilets and ensure proper maintenance, especially for community toilets which are used frequently.
Road safety measures for two-wheelers - Develop innovative safety solutions for two wheelers using latest technology which can remove or minimise the risk and impact of accidents. This could either be innovations for the bike itself or for the rider (for instance stability of bike/developing wearables which enhances the rider safety).
Façade challenge - Now a days solar modules are becoming more popular for roof top, BIPV (Building integrated photovoltaic), facade, car port and others. Many people find the general look of traditional solar panel to be ugly and not so attractive. In such applications, the aesthetics of module become a considerable factor by the customer. Depending on the color chosen, colored solar module can blend in with the overall design of the building. On the other hand, it can be made fun and creative. This way, everyone can find a flavor of solar panel they can live with, even enjoy. There could be several options to add beauty to the conventional module to add additional feature to the product. The artist can take over, creating a design that has the color, pattern, or image to attract customers for such specific applications. The artist can make the design on any component of the module. When the modules are installed on the facade, the front view of the module becomes critical for aesthetic view. It is expected that artist can suggest designs that attracts customers with minimal reduction in module wattage.
Queue management for check in counters and boarding point - Often, pushing and shoving is observed among air passengers at the check-in counters, boarding points and also inside the flight. This creates a chaotic situation for the Vistara authorities to manage and handle and further delays the process of quick onboarding. It also causes inconvenience among air passengers. Hence, we are looking for solutions and suggestions to make the experience of flyers more convenient.
Final Events Schedule:
South Zone-Bengaluru
West Zone-Mumbai
North Zone-Delhi
East Zone-Kolkata
Who can Apply?
Students can form teams of 2 to 5 student members from the same or different institutions
Working professionals can form teams of 2 to 5 working professionals from the same or different organisations to participate in this edition.
A team can submit only one solution per challenge. Solution once submitted cannot be changed.
An individual cannot be a member of more than one team.
Team composition cannot change once the solution has been submitted.
Teams have to select their city of participation basis the zone in which their institute/corporate falls under or the city nearest to their institute's location, for ease in travel and participation.
Also Check: Tata crucible Business Quiz 2020
Contest Structure:
Phase I: Prelims - Online Solution Submission
Phase II: Evaluation and Announcement (TBD)
Phase III: Preparation Period for Prototype Development or Proof Of Concept Development (TBD)
Phase IV: Finals (march 2020)

Prize money for each zonal final
Rs. 70,000 INR for winning team and
Rs. 30,000 INR for runner-up team.
............INNOVATE TO WIN............
For more details and application visit the link below:
Category of contest: Industry, Hackathon
Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries and innovators to know various contest updates , we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.