Closing Date: Regional rounds ongoing Reward: Cash Prize
Contest outline:
Tata Crucible - The Business Quiz seeks to bring together the sharpest young business minds in India to take on the toughest business quiz in India. Youth is a key audience group on which the Tata group focuses its communication and Tata Crucible is one of the key initiatives towards this commitment.
Tata Crucible was launched as a key initiative in 2004, a year that has been dubbed the ``century of trust '' to commemorate the centenary of the death of the group's founder - JN Tata and the centennials of the birth of two of its illustrious leaders - JRD Tata and Naval H. Tata. It has generated a huge response as a high quality business quiz in the first year and has now become an annual event. In a commissioned study, the Tata crucible campus quiz was rated the highest-rated ground quiz by students at participating colleges.
During the first ten years, the Tata Crucible Quiz took place in 3 parts. Two consecutive tracks - separately for Tata and non-Tata companies, followed by national finals. The third track was held each year for Campus students, followed by a national final. Since 2014, the quiz takes place in 2 parts per year, one part is the Corporate edition, where all the corporate houses, namely: Tata and non-Tata, participate together and the second is the Campus edition for students at across India. The corporate and campus editions will have respective national finals after the city and zone tours. Fifteen editions of the Tata Crucible corporate quiz and the Tata Crucible Campus quiz have been held so far to generate an enthusiastic response.

Rules and Regulation:
Tata Crucible is a team event. Any two students of the same college / institution can form a team and participate.
There is NO ENTRY FEE.
Individual contestants will NOT be allowed to take part.
Tata Crucible is a team event.
Any number of teams from a college / institution can participate in the quiz.Competition is open to full time students from all disciplines.The event is not open to junior college / foundation students lower than the undergraduate category.Team composition cannot change once the prelim has been taken.
Teams can participate only from the city where the college / institution they represent is located.
If a team is from a city where the event is not being held then the closest city (by geographic distance) would be the location of participation. Teams will be allowed to participate only in the respective locations indentified for the purposes of zonal finals. This means that once a team wins from a particular city, they will automatically be eligible for participation in that zone only.
All teams participating from the same college / Institution belonging to a city where the event is not being held, will be allowed to participate from one location only (nearest geographic location). Any change in locations is at the discretion of the organisers only.
All participants are required to carry valid photo ID of the institution along to the venue and produce the same on demand. Normal photo ids like PAN card, Voter Id, etc are not valid ids for the purposes of this quiz.
The organisers retain the right to make any changes to the event, its format, date, rules and in any matter related to this event, at any time before or during the event.
Organisers reserve the right to accept or reject any application to registration and / or entry to the event proceedings.By entering the event venue and / or participating in the Quiz, the attendees permit themselves to be photographed / videographed / recorded by electronic and print mediums for telecast / publication and other display usage of the organisers.
Once you register for the event you indicate your acceptance that the decision of the organisers and quizmaster will be final and binding on all issues related to Tata Crucible and no correspondence in this regard would be entertained.As a measure of goodwill all national finalists (excluding the winners from the city where national finals are held) will be provided stay for the national final location and return travel as per organizer's rules, only from the city of victory in the regional round.
The arrangements for travel and stay are subject to the condition that the participants will be availing of these facilities completely at their own risk and choice and these are offered only as a measure of goodwill, and organisers will not have any responsibility for availability, timing or any other event or occurrence with respect to these arrangements nor will entertain any claims in this regard. Participants will be availing of these facilities completely at their own risk and choice.
For any travel and stay arrangements whenever advised, the organisers also reserve the right in their sole discretion to withdraw / cancel / or change time and/or location. Any change will be intimated nearer to the event time.
As a measure of goodwill the organisers at their own discretion will reimburse the regional winners (who will be the zonal finalists), the maximum of the equivalent of Return Second Class AC Fare. (by the shortest route), from the city of your participation and one night stay at the zonal final city, but will not have any responsibility for availability, timing or any other event or occurrence with respect to travel or stay, nor entertain any further claims in this regard. To avail of this reimbursement, you need to produce your travel document - rail ticket Xerox, bus ticket Xerox or taxi payment receipt as the case may be when you arrive at the hotel or at the venue. These will be applicable only for regional winners from outside the zonal city location. Any change will be intimated nearer to the event time.
By registering for the event, you also indicate your acceptance that the organisers can send you communication from time to time regarding Tata Crucible or any other initiatives by the organisers.
Prizes once awarded will be final and there would be no exchange/substitution of the prizes to the winners.Neither the organisers nor the sponsors, or employees of the organisers and sponsors may be held liable for any warranty, costs, damage, injury, or any other claims incurred as a result of usage of the prize by the winner once delivered by the organisers.
If the specified prize becomes unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances, the organisers may substitute the prize at their discretion.All tax liabilities wherever applicable, will be the responsibility of the recipients of the prizes.Management, employees and families of the organizers (Group Corporate Communications, Tata Services Ltd and identified agency partners for the event) are prohibited from taking part in the quiz.
The organizer reserves the right to alter/ amend/ modify any rules of any contest at anytime without any notice whatsoever.
Participants are hereby informed that organizers do not pay or offer any participation fee for taking part in the event. Any offer or communication made by any third party offering participation fee in cash or kind is fraudulent and should not be entertained. Organizers shall neither be liable nor responsible for any loss suffered by the participants if they act in response to any such fraudulent offer made by any third party. Participants agree to promptly inform the Organizers in the event of receipt of any such fraudulent offer.
Contest Structure:
PRELIMS: This is a written elimination for all contestants at each regional round followed by the Regional Final on stage. WILD CARD ROUND: The top 4 teams from the written Prelims will qualify for the Regional rounds based on scores. If there are large number of teams participating, 2 more teams will be selected from one or two wild card rounds. The rules for this will be explained by the quizmaster at each venue. REGIONAL FINALS: Six top Teams will then make it to the Finals held after the prelims at the same venue.

ZONAL FINALS: The Regional Winners from each of the cities within a particular zone will participate in the Zonal Finals. The Zonal Final will take place in a designated city under each zone.
NATIONAL FINALS: The top two teams from each Zonal Final will participate in the National Finals to be held in Mumbai.

National Final Winner Team : Grand Cash Prize of Rs. 5 Lakhs Regional Winner Team : Cash Prize of Rs. 75,000/- Regional Runners - Up Team : Cash Prize of Rs. 35,000/- Fabulous audience prizes at every regional round.
............INNOVATE TO WIN............
For more details and application visit the link below:
Category of contest: Quiz
Disclaimer: As our blog was started to support students and innovators to know all latest contest, we furnish the details in our blog post which are taken from the contest link which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward or date of closing is not responsible for the changes.