Closing Date: 31 Dec 2019 Reward: 1,50,000 INR
Organizer Details:
Society of Automotive Engineers(SAE) India is a part of SAE International. They are one of the most favored technical organization for the dissemination of knowledge and skills development of mobility professionals, students and professors. SIA is a trusted think-tank advising policy makers on mobility issues. SIA is an autonomous company with more than 10% of mobility professionals as members. and they are an agile and professional organization creating value for the mobility engineering community.

About the Contest:
The Tractor Design Competition instructs students primarily in mechanical domain to think, analyze, design, develop, build, test and present a tractor series of events. SIA stated that engineering students entering the industry will have practical knowledge and design experience. Prepares students to become effective professional engineers.
Type of Event:
Static Event
Dynamic Event
1. Static Event:
Design Evaluation:
Teams are required to submit a design report detailing
Customer requirements
Conceptual design details
Analysis Reports
DFMEADesign and Fabrication
Test strategy
Original and Innovative Ideas
Technical Inspection:
Initial tractor weighing
Dimensional Check
Engine Check
Technical Presentation:
Students are required to present the design report and Cost report to the Evaluation panel and justify their design.
Cost Estimation report:
Total Manufacturing Cost
Bill of Material wise Cost
Aggregate Based Cost
2. Dynamic Event
Fabricated Tractor will be evaluated based on following tests
Maneuverability Event
Noise Test
Tractor Pull Event
Durability Event
Expected Outcome of the Contest:
Understand the
Design of drive tractor systems
Tractor performance
Manufacturing processes
Analysis of tractive forces
Registration Details:
Team Size: Minimum of 20 members and Maximum of 25 members. (The team shall consist of equal participation from 4th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st years of B. Tech Programme) Registration Fee: Rs. 30,000/- + 18% GST per team (Once Team is Registered your Amount will not be Refund)
(Note: Design rule book will be send only after registration)

..............INNOVATE TO WIN..............
For more details visit the link below:
Category of contest: Design Contest, Flagship Event
Disclaimer: As our blog was started to support students and innovators to know all latest contest, we furnish the details in our blog post which are taken from the contest link which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward or date of closing is not responsible for the changes. By Rajasekar Madhavan-Contest Consultant
#Tractordesigncompetition, #SIAIndia #Projectcontest,#Studentcontest, #projectcompetion,