Closing Date: 31/12/2021 (refer Contest Link) Reward: 25 Winners-Get 1 Lakh INR
About TNSI :
TNSI-2021 (Tamil Nadu Student Innovators) is a flagship programme which has identified student innovators and reward them to build a Minimum Viable Product to convert their ideas into a Start-Up from all over Tamil Nadu. TNSI was introduced in 2017 and organized region-wise across Tamil Nadu. The student teams are provided opportunity to give their innovative ideas as a solution to identified validated problem statements in the field of agriculture, industry, smart cities, health care, fintech and automobile sectors. The programme includes series of events like awareness and ideation programmes, boot camps and final pitch. Innovative ideas are selected by a panel of Jury from the Startup Ecosystem for the award of Rs. 1.00 lakh each for further development of their prototype and also to commercialize the product. They are also been introduced to angel investors who are ready to adopt and invest in their startups.
About EDITN :
The Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute (EDII), Chennai was established in 2001 is an apex organization in the field of entrepreneurship education and self-employment promotion in the State of Tamil Nadu. EDII was incorporated by the government of Tamil Nadu as a non-profit corporation and is administered by the Department of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). Led by the Director of the Institute, EDII is managed under the direction of a Governing Council appointed by the government of Tamil Nadu.
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Contest Process:
Stage 1: Entrepreneurship Awareness programmes
Stage 2: Ideation (IDEA) Camp- (Design Thinking, Business plan preparation)
Stage 3: Boot Camp
Stage 4. State Level Pitch
Stage 5. Fellowship/Prototyping
Due to COVID 19 situation , EDII TN has planned to organize TNSI 2021 Awareness programmes and Ideation stages has Digitalized through EDII portal.
Awareness Creation:
The Entrepreneurship awareness program has been digitalized and Each & every hub will be coordinated with spoke colleges for the enrollment and completion of the program modules through Online. The program consists of seven modules and it will be implemented through online by igniting young minds through brief inspirational stories, by defining entrepreneurship, introducing entrepreneurship support system available, motivational student startup testimonials etc., The objective is to acquaint the students on the entrepreneurship community, government efforts & initiatives, the stakeholders, the journey from an aspirant to an entrepreneur, startup steps. A website has been developed inhouse for registration of Ideas. From the ideas registered in the website, 50-60 ideas from each region will be selected and the student teams will be requested to attend the Idea camp to shape up their ideas. It will be organized in all hubs.
Ideation Stage:
The shortlisted good ideas taken into the second stage of the contest and their ideas catalize by organizing Design Thinking workshops and Business Plan preparation. It aims to validate ideas to make them better by breaking thought patterns, understanding customer needs, the process of generating ideas for products & services in various situations & environment, and also challenging them to resolve real-time problems. Each and every IEDP Hubs will organize the programmes to train the selected teams. From these ideas, 25 teams will be selected for participation in the Boot Camp to be organized by the Zonal Hub.
Boot camps :
The 3-day boot camp (Each zone will have a boot camp) promises the aspirants to lead them in the right direction. The boot camp is expected to have 25 teams in a region (approx. 60 participants) who will have the firsthand experience from domain experts. The participants will be exposed and coached in the areas of problem-opportunity analysis, elevator pitch, business model canvas and identifying MVP criteria. Selected start-up ideas will be given an opportunity to pitch in front of mentors. The boot camp is designed to provide the expertise needed by the participants to launch and scale their innovative business ideas. The boot camp will motivate the participants’ vision in launching and scaling a business as well as the ability to inspire investors. The selected teams for the boot camp have to register in the respective regional hub with a registration fee of Rs.350/- per head who are need accommodation. Each team may have at most 3 members. The process will be repeated in all five zones. Each zone will shortlist and nominate 8 teams for the state-Level Pitch to be held at Chennai.
State level Pitch:
The teams selected from the 5 regions will participate in the StateLevel Pitch to be organized by EDII at Chennai.
Join Our Telegram Group for discussion:
TNSI 2020 I Insights by Daniel Prabhakaran.G - Ex-Executive, TANSIM, EDII TN, Chennai
Category of the Idea Accepted:
Smart City
Industry 4.0
Health Care
Fin Tech
Educational Tech
Also Read Innovism 3.0-Virtual Innovative Symposium: Click here
Who Can Apply for TNSI 2021:
The E Cell students/teams of Tamilnadu , who have innovative idea and willing to start their own startup/venture can participate.
Points to be Noted for filing the form:
One Line About Your Startup
What is the problem that you are going to address?
What are the solutions for the problem addressed?
What's your startup's Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?
How does your startup generate revenue (Revenue Stream)?
Detailed description about your Idea (100 Words)
How long have you been working on it?
Won any seed grant/prize money with the same idea?
Have you previously taken part in any pitch training?
Whether your startup is incubated in any Technology Business Incubator?
Upto 1 lakh INR as Seed Grant & Mentorship
............INNOVATE TO WIN............
For detailed Problem Statements & Register click the button:
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Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries, and innovators to know various contest updates, we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which were given at the time of contest launch if any changes made in a contest such as a reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.