Reward: 1.5 Lakh to 10 Lakh INR
About the Contest:
Tata innoverse is an open innovation platform by Tata industries to solve challenges for various problems stated by the organizers. By this initiative the industry is targeting to solve many real world problems by reaching out to skilled solvers internationally and also to provide them a best platform to demonstrate their ideas, skills and creativity to develop unique and best solutions to solve real world industry challenges. The best problem solvers get rewarded, and also they become trusted technology partner with Tata industries.
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Problem Statements:
(Closing on: Feb-2022)
Inspection of Finished Leather: An automated method/technology is sought for finished leather (in the form of leather hides) inspection to identify defects such as Drawn grain, White spots, Soft skin, Rough grain, growth mark etc
Cost effective methodologies for the treatment of acid water in effluent treatment plant: You are expected to develop a cost-effective treatment methodologies in the effluent treatment plant for the neutralization of acidic effluents, to generate treated water of < 200 ppm hardness and sludge of < 30% moisture.
Minimizing Zinc losses in the galvanization process of steel wires: You are expected to develop a innovative solutions to minimize zinc wastages in the form of zinc ash and zinc dross during the galvanization of wires.
(Closing on Jan-2022)
Full-face visors for face protection while working on LT electric network: You are expected to develop a solutions for improving the quality of existing full-face visors in terms of anti-scratch property, durability, and better visibility while being cost-effective.
Aprons/Jackets to protect the upper body of the operator completely while working on live LT lines: You are expected to develop a solutions for Electrical Safety PPEs (Aprons/Jackets) that will protect the upper body completely while working on live LT lines, should be comfortable to wear in hot and humid conditions and should be cost-effective.
Automation of Toggling the leather hides: You are expected to develop a solution to automate the Toggling process while processing the leather hides.
Proposal Questions:
Please share your solution
What other solutions have you seen in the market for this problem? What have been the flaws in those solutions?
Please define the problem statement as understood by you
What positive and unique results do we expect to see from your solution?
What is the estimated investment required to implement your solution at our end?
Co-Solvers Details
Proposal Document
Who can Apply:
Tata InnoVerse is open for entities, individuals, teams, academicians, scientists, start-ups, companies, research centres and universities to submit their proposed solutions.
Contest Outcomes:
Creatively engage with stimulating problems beyond your own context
Use the opportunity to express your leading edge solutions
Contribute to the emerging phenomenon of collaborative solution's
Help Tata companies accelerate their innovations in the diverse sectors
1.5 Lakh INR to 10 Lakh INR

Also Read Industrial IoT Using LoRaWAN Technology by Enthu Tech-Training cum Internship: Click here

.............INNOVATE TO WIN..............
For detailed Problem Statements & Register click the button:
Category of the contest: Industry Contest
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Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries, and innovators to know various contest updates, we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which were given at the time of contest launch if any changes made in a contest such as a reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.