Last date to Enroll: 20th February 2022 Registration Fee: INR 1200(Individual)
Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd is a next-generation technology company that helps enterprises, start-ups reimagine their businesses for the digitally connected age. As an Agile enabled company, Enthu Tech deliver the best in class Products, End to End Solutions, and Services in IoT and PCB domains.
As a B2B player, Enthu Tech offer Product Development, Consultancy Services, and End to End IoT Solutions development for Smart Cities, Agriculture, Smart Home & Infrastructure, Connected Vehicles, and Industrial Automation verticals.
Enthu Tech offer the best in class quality for Product design, Product Prototype, and PCB Assembly & Manufacturing Services. Enthu Tech help startups to establish the best in quality PCB Manufacturing Facilities. As a Future-Thinking organization, Enthu Tech offer akvodropsTM – A Smart Water Metering Solution for Apartments, Commercial Buildings, and Industries to save the most invaluable thing in this world: Water.
As expertise in R&D Industry, Enthu Tech established Modern Industrial grade Laboratories with smart campus Infrastructure at the Academic Institutions. Also, providing practical Hands-on Learnings to Students and Faculties in advanced technology.
ABOUT THE INTERNSHIP CUM TRAINING PROGRAM: (by M/S Project Contest Innovations LLP) in association with various Industries across India has taken the initiative to provide the Training cum Internship on the emerging areas to students, faculty, research scholars & startups for enhancing the skills for Employability & Entrepreneurship. So far through this initiative over 1600+ students from 110+ institution got benefited. In this regards now with Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd has planned to provide a 60 days Training cum Internship focusing on "Industrial IoT Using LoRaWAN Technology".
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Introduction to IoT, Embedded systems & Embedded C, Microcontrollers, Arduino IDE, Industry 4.0
ESP 32 microcontroller-Sensor interfacing, Data monitoring in the cloud, Device control using Cloud platform and Mobile application
Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE) – Data Accessing ,Device Control
Raspberry Pi- Sensor interfacing(ADXL345, SHT31,DHT11,Ultrasonic Sensor), Device control (Servo Motor, Stepper Motor, DC Motor),ADC interfacing using Cloud platform and Mobile application, Programming using Python
Node-Red platform- Device control, Data monitoring
LoRaWAN – Architecture, Gateway Configuration, Library Configuration, RF communication
End device OTAA & ABP Mode Activation- Data monitoring , Payload Decoder,Dash board creation and data visualization in Application server
Software to be used: Embedded C, Arduino IDE, Raspberry Pi OS
From 3rd week of February to 1st Week of April
Live session: 4hrs/week-Sunday- 8 Sessions
Recorded Videos will be provided for Limited time access.
If University Exam happens extra time for task completion will be given.
All the registrants will receive Course Completion Certification (40 hrs) on the Completion on Assignment given during the time of program.
Internship Certificate (60 Days): To Obtain the Internship Certificate students much have minimum 80% live session attendance & submit the learners report(Format will be shared)
Idea Presentation Certificate will be issued to students who are submitting the idea & best idea will be awarded.
All the Students/Individuals who are interested in IOT can apply
Registration Link:
1. Real-Time Case Studies & Application Project.
2. Interact with Industry training expert and work on real-life challenges
3. Complete Plan of the Live sessions and LMS platform link will be shared to registered participants
4. Assignments after each topic of the training will be provided to the students for practice in the LMS/Whatsapp group
5. Necessary Materials/Software Links as per the training Modules will be given
6. The training will be conduct fully based on their career oriented Training.
1) Individual Registration: 1200 INR
2) Four member Team:4000 INR
(Note: 2 or 3 Member team is 1200 INR Per Individual only)
Others: (Research Scholar, Faculty & Job Seekers)
Individual Registration: 1500 INR
PAYMENT MODE: UPI ID: projectcontest@icici
GPAY: 9500293472
Account Name: Project Contest Innovations LLP
Acc no: 768705000092
IFSC: ICIC0007687
Bank: ICICI Bank
Type: Current
For Doubt call or WhatsApp: 8220345819, 9500293472, 7349599282
............Lets Learn Together............
For more details and registration click the contest link below:
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Category: Industry Internship, Training
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Disclaimer: The Internship/Training is organised through Industry Training Partnership(ITP) program of Projectcontest with the partnered Industry, Inorder to share the knowledge of the resource person/Industry to the Innovators, Students and Others. Certificates will be issued only based on satisfying the required parameters given at the time of Program launch. and the Industry has all the rights to cancel the Internship due to unavoidable situation without prior information, if money is paid alternate days will be informed on such circumstances or the money will be returned back. Lets Learn Together!!!