Closing Date: 17-Dec-2018 I Reward: 1st Prize- Rs. 5,000.
Organizers Details: The Indian Prime Minister, Shri. Narendra Modi had launched the Swachh Bharat mission on October 2, 2014. The mission was to clean India by October 2, 2019. Since October 2, 2014, the government had invested a lot of energy and resources to carry out this mission. A nation is not built by its government but by its people. It is therefore very important to make them aware of India's vision and its importance. The best way to raise awareness of a problem is to involve children and children. The National Academy of Customs, Indirect Taxes and Narcotics, Zonal Campus, Kolkata, targets children aged 5 to 18 years by involving them in this conducive race through a drawing contest for 150th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi.

The competition revolves around themes such as "Our environment", "India and cleanliness" and "Clean Ganga".
For More details and Applying click the below link:
Contest Link:
Address for submission by hand or by post or courier To The Additional Director General, National Academy of Customs, Indirect Taxes & Narcotics, (NACIN), Zonal Campus, Kolkata P – 27, C. I. T. Scheme, VIII (M), Bidhan Nagar Road, Kolkata – 700 067
Categories and their age limit (as on 01.01.2018): Category A: 5 - 9 years Category B: 9 years 1 day - 12 years Category C: 12 years 1 day - 15 years Category D: 15 years 1 day - 18 years.
Topic of drawing: Category A: Our Environment Category B: Our Environment Category C: India & Cleanliness Category D: Clean Ganga
Medium of colour: Category A: Crayons Category B: Crayons Category C: Water Colour Category D: Collage
Winners of the Competition of each Group will be awarded cash prizes as under: 1st Prize- Rs. 5,000/- 2nd Prize- Rs. 4,000/- 3rd Prize- Rs. 3,000/