Closing Date: 31st December 2018 Reward: 50,000 INR
For the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi, NFDC decided to organize a short film competition by inviting young filmmakers (students and high school students) to make short films (lasting up to 3 minutes) on the basis of "Be the change you want to see in the world" century. The aim of the contest is to make young people aware of the simplicity and high ideals of Mahatma Gandhi's life, which ultimately became his message to the world.
Theme: “Be the change which you want to see in the World”
For More details and Applying click the below link:
Ist Prize - Rs. 50,000/-
IInd Prize - Rs. 35,000/-
IIIrd Prize - Rs. 25,000/-
All other 7 consolation prizes- 10,000/- each
(Certificate and Internship with any regional office of NFDC for 2 weeks with consultation and consent of the winners)