Last Date to Enroll: 30th January 2022 (Contact Team) Registration Fee: 1200 to 1500 INR
About the Training Program:
Problem Solving using #Java programming training is designed for students and working professionals, to provide Employability skill training in order to crack the top MNC #Employability Contest i.e. TCS NQT, Ninja & Wipro NLTH. The Training is planned as live Interactive sessions with exclusive coding assessment through online coding platform. The training will be focused on corporate contest hiring with coding assessment for practice with question Corporate hiring pattern . The Session will be handled by #ProjectContest Innovations LLP approved Course Instructor with min 5 Years of Industrial Experience.
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Training Plan:
Live Training (Online)
40 hrs-2 hrs/day, 45 days
Sessions on Monday, Wednesday, Friday (Sunday-Reserved)
Time: 7.00pm to 9.00pm
Exclusive Coding Assessment(10 assessment-5 Problem/Assessment) for Learning
Session Recorded Video for Limited time access will be provided
Tentatively Planned from 4th Week of Feb to March
Limited Seats Only allowed
Focused Coding Contest Problems:
TCS Ninja
Wipro NLTH

Enroll Today for Problem Solving using Java Programming:
21st February 2022 to 6th April 2022
Duration: 6 weeks,45 days, 20 session- 2 hrs/session, 10 Coding Assessment- 5 Problems/Assessment.
All the Students/Individuals who are interested to Java Programming can apply
All the registrants will receive Course Completion Certification (40 hrs) or Internship Certificate (45 Days-Based on Enrollment) who has minimum 75% live session attendance and attended coding Assessment given during the time of program.

(Note: 2 or 3 Member team is 1200 INR or I500 INR Per Individual only)
Payable at:
Account Name: Project Contest Innovations LLP
UPI ID: projectcontest@icici
GPay: 9500293472
Acc no: 768705000092
IFSC: ICIC0007687
Bank: ICICI Bank
Type: Current
Enroll for the Training Now (Call to Team if any Doubt):
For Doubt call or WhatsApp: 8220345819, 9500293472, 7349599282
About TCS Ninja:
TCS Ninja is a Hiring contest organized by Tata Consultancy Services to provide the best opportunity for the Candidates for the Entry Level who are in the Streams of B.Tech, M.Tech, M.Sc, MCA.
Eligibilty: B.E./ B.Tech/ M.E./ M.Tech/ MCA/ M.Sc from the Year of Passing 2022(Freshers with 2 years experience is also eligible)
About TCS NQT:
TCS NQT is an Hiring test which is conducted by TCS iON. It is conducted every quarter and candidates can take it, get a good score and apply for vacancies in companies tied up with the TCS NQT.
Eligibilty: UG, PG and Diploma students who are in their pre-final and final year of study during the period 2021-2023 (Freshers with less than 2 years of experience)
TCS Ninja & NQT Syllabus:
Cognitive Skills-Section A
TCS Ninja Cognitive Skills is a General Ability Test that assesses a candidate in the following 3 areas.
Numerical Ability - This section assesses number systems, arithmetic, elementary statistics, data interpretation.
Verbal Ability - This section assesses English grammar, appropriate usage of the same, and reading comprehension.
Reasoning Ability - This section assesses identifying words and numeric patterns, problem-solving, figural and factual analysis, decision-making, propositional reasoning, and visual-spatial reasoning.
Programming-Section B (Focused in this Training)
TCS Ninja Programming is a Technical Ability Test that assesses a candidate in the following areas:
Programming Logic-Operators, Looping statements, Control statements, Arrays, Strings, Functions, Object-Oriented Programming (OOPS), Data Structures: Linked List, Stack, Queue, Trees and Graphs, Pseudocoding, Algorithms & Basic Software Development Cycle
Coding-Data types, Operators, Arrays, Strings, Decision Making, Looping, Functions, Scenario-based questions
Wipro NLTH Elite:
Elite National Talent Hunt 2.0 (NTH) is a fresher’s hiring program by Wipro to attract the best of 2022 engineering graduates across the country. Through NLTH Wipro provides equal employment opportunities for India’s deserving engineering talents.
Eligibilty: B.E./B. Tech (Compulsory degree)/ M.E./M. Tech (5-year integrated course) full-time course recognized by the Central/State Government of India. All branches except Fashion Technology, Textile Engineering, Agriculture and Food technology. Year of passing: 2020,2021 & 2022
Know More:
Wipro NLTH Syllabus:
Aptitude Test: Logical Ability, Quantitative Ability , English (verbal) Ability. Duration: 48 mins
Written Communication Test: Essay writing. Duration: 20 mins
Online Programming Test: Two programs for coding. Duration: 60 mins Candidate can chose any one of these programming languages for the online programming test: Java, C, C++ or Python. (Focused in this Training)

.............INNOVATE TO WIN..............
Enroll Today for Problem Solving using Java Programming:
Category of the contest: Coding Training, Contest Based Hiring
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Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries, and innovators to know various contest updates, we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which were given at the time of contest launch if any changes made in a contest such as a reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.