Closing Date: 20th April 2021
About WorldSkills India:
WorldSkills India is an initiative of the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India. NSDC, through its WorldSkills India initiative, has been leading the country's participation at WorldSkills International competitions since 2011.
The key objectives of WorldSkills India are to:
Promulgate skills in society to motivate the youth to pursue vocational education.
Champion skills and learning for work through local, regional, national and international skills competitions
Create partnership network comprising of government, industry, academic partners, VET institutions, trade associations and youth to promote skills
Establish long-term association with WorldSkills International and other WorldSkills member countries
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About the Contest:
Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) & National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) launched India’s first National Skills Competition- IndiaSkills, a biennial competition. The competition focuses on following vision and mission,
Platform where emerging professionals can display their workplace skills with utmost perfection and make India proud.
Facilitate cooperation between government, industry and academia
To create nationwide awareness, ownership and participation across various skills.
To help Indian youth attain world class standards of competence, excellence and productivity.
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Competition Procedure:
The potential competitors needs to register through an online portal ( state or national) to participate in Indiaskills Competitions.
The selection will be conducted by state government, sector skill councils in partnership with academic & industry partners at district, zone, state level.
The selected state champions will be competing in regional competitions which will be organized by Indiaskills in partnership with sector skill councils, corporate and academic partners.
The regional competition winners will be showcasing their skills at Indiaskills National competitions.
Few Suggested ares for applying the competition:
Robotic System Integration
Renewable Energy
Mobile Applications Development
Industry 4.0
Industrial Design Technology
Building Information Modelling
Specific Skills to Participate:
Aircraft maintenance
Architectural stonemasonry
Autobody repair
Automobile technology
Beauty therapy
Brick laying
Cabinet making
Car painting
Cloud computing
CNC milling
CNC turning
Concrete construction worker
Construction metal work
Cyber security
Electrical installations
Fashion technology
Graphic design technology
Health and social care
Heavy vehicle maintenance
Hotel reception
Industrial control
Industrial mechanics millwright
Information network cabling
It network systems administration
It software solutions for business
Landscape gardening
Manufacturing team challenge
Mechanical engineering design cad
Mobile robotics
Mechanical engineering design cad
Painting and decorating
Patisserie and confectionery
Plastering and drywall systems
Plastic die engineering
Plumbing and heating
Polymechanics and automation
Print media technology
Prototype modelling
Refrigeration and air conditioning
Restaurant service
Sheet metal technology
Visual merchandising and window dressing
Water technology
Wall and floor tiling
Web design

Who can Apply:
Competitors for IndiaSkills 2021 must be born on or after 1 January 1996 apart from Renewable Energy and Mobile Applications Development where competitors must be born on or after 1 January 1999.
Robot Systems Integration and Industry 4.0 are TEAM SKILL COMPETITIONS where a team of 2 individuals are required for the competition.

.............INNOVATE TO WIN..............
To Know More & Register visit the contest link below:
Category of contest: Government Contest
ProjectContest YouTube:
ProjectContest Instagram:
Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries and innovators to know various contest updates , we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.