Last date to Enroll: 30th March 2022 Registration Fee: INR 1500(Individual)
SUPRAJA TECHNOLOGIES Owned by CHSMRLSS TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED, offers technology solutions and services which suit once business, to take it to the heights of success.
Company Mission:-
To create new levels of excellence in the field of Cyber Security and Digital Marketing by delivering services and solutions of highest quality and reliability on time.
Sectors they serve:-
Law Enforcement Agencies
Financial Institutions
Export Import Related Business
Educational Institutions
Public & Private Sectors
ABOUT THE INTERNSHIP CUM TRAINING PROGRAM: (by M/S Project Contest Innovations LLP) in association with various Industries across India has taken the initiative to provide the Training cum Internship on the emerging areas to students, faculty, research scholars & startups for enhancing the skills for Employability & Entrepreneurship. So far through this initiative over 1600+ students from 110+ institution got benefited. In this regards now with SUPRAJA TECHNOLOGIES has planned to provide a 45 days Training cum Internship focusing on "Cyber Security".
Join Our whatsapp Group for instant updates on Training & Contest:

Registration Link:
1) Introduction to Ethical Hacking & Networking:
Basic Ethical Hacking Concepts
Essential Terminalogy
Types of Hackers
Basic Network Concepts
Protocols & Ports
File System in linux
Windows & Linux commands
2) Stegnography & Sniffing:
Introduction to steganography
Why steganography
Types of steganography attacks
Image steganography
Audio steganography
Video steganography
White space steganography
Folder steganography
Advantages of steganography
Man-in-the-middle attacks
Analyzing data using wireshark
Exposing sensitive files from network
Exposing sensitive data from network
Tools used for sniffing
3) Social Engineering & Cryptography:
Social engineering:
Introduction to social engineering
Why social engineering
Vulnerable targets for social engineering
Phases of social engineering
Types of social engineering
Social engineering techniques
Counter measures for social engineering
Tools used for social engineering
Introduction to cryptography
Why cryptography
Tools used for cryptography
Different algorithms used for cryptography
Cryptography attacks
4) System & Server Hacking:
System hacking:
Windows and Linux login bypass
Password cracking for windows
Backdoor for windows and Linux
Exploits for windows and Linux
Countermeasures to prevent attacks
Server hacking:
Introduction to different types of servers
Exploiting servers with exploits
Vulnerable machines to practical knowledge
Counter measures to prevent attacks
5) Malwares Threats:
Introduction to Malwares – Virus, Worms, Trojans, Botnets, Ransomware
Working of Keyloggers & Advanced Keyloggers Using Remote Administration Tools (RAT)
Antiviruses and How Do They Work How to Create, How to Identify & How to Remove Malwares from PC
6) Mobile Exploits & Vulenerabilities Analysis:
Mobile hacking:
Introduction to mobile platforms
History of mobile platforms
Top 10 owasp mobile vulnerabilities
Countermeasures for mobile exploits
Security application for mobiles
Vulnerability analysis:
Introduction to vulnerability assessment
Types of vulnerability assessment
Phases of vulnerability assessment
Grey box and black box assessment
Tools for vulnerability assessment
7) Web Application Attacks:
Explaination of OWASP top 10
SQL Injections Attacks
XSS Attacks
DOS & DDOS Attacks
Software to be used: Tools kit include BurpSuite Professional

From 1st week of April- 8 Weeks
Live session: 4hrs/week-Sunday- 7 Sessions
Recorded Videos will be provided for Limited time access.
If University Exam happens extra time for task completion will be given.
All the registrants will receive Course Completion Certification (40 hrs) on the Completion on Assignment given during the time of program.
Internship Certificate (45 Days): To Obtain the Internship Certificate students much have minimum 80% live session attendance & submit the learners report(Format will be shared)
All the Students/Individuals who are interested in Ethical Hacking can apply
Registration Link:
1. Real-Time Case Studies & Application Project.
2. Interact with Industry training expert and work on real-life challenges
3. Complete Plan of the Live sessions and LMS platform link will be shared to registered participants
4. Assignments after important topic of the training will be provided to the students for practice in the LMS/Whatsapp group
5. Necessary Materials/Software Links as per the training Modules will be given
6. The training will be conduct fully based on their career oriented Training.
1) Individual Registration: 1500 INR
2) Four member Team:5000 INR
(Note: 2 or 3 Member team is 1500 INR Per Individual only)
Others: (Research Scholar, Faculty & Job Seekers)
Individual Registration: 1500 INR
PAYMENT MODE: UPI ID: projectcontest@icici
GPAY: 9500293472
Account Name: Project Contest Innovations LLP
Acc no: 768705000092
IFSC: ICIC0007687
Bank: ICICI Bank
Type: Current
For Doubt call or WhatsApp: 8220345819, 9500293472, 9514411140
............Lets Learn Together............
For more details and registration click the contest link below:
Register Now:
Category: Industry Internship, Training
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Disclaimer: The Internship/Training is organised through Industry Training Partnership(ITP) program of Projectcontest with the partnered Industry, Inorder to share the knowledge of the resource person/Industry to the Innovators, Students and Others. Certificates will be issued only based on satisfying the required parameters given at the time of Program launch. and the Industry has all the rights to cancel the Internship due to unavoidable situation without prior information, if money is paid alternate days will be informed on such circumstances or the money will be returned back. Lets Learn Together!!!