Closing Date: 14 Feb 2020(refer Contest Link) Reward: First place-1 Crore INR
Contest outline:
Cyber Security Grand Challenge was announced by the Honorable Minister of Electronics and Information Technology of India. This initiative gives impetus to the growth of the Indian cyber security industry and seeks to encourage start-ups that diversify the industry and stimulate the development of niches and advanced solutions.
The Grand Challenge for Cyber Security is designed to promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship by strengthening the main cyber security capacities in the country. Participants will compete in teams at 3 stages: Idea, minimal viable product (MVP) and construction of the final product. In the first step, teams will come up with workable ideas for resolving the identified cybersecurity problem statements. During the event, participating teams would receive scholarships and mentorship. The 3 best teams would receive a total prize of 2 INR Cr.
Budding entrepreneurs are invited to submit their ideas to accelerate their growth, be mentored by the best and win remarkable prizes. Industry experts are invited to contribute to the national cyber security enhancement initiative and explore an opportunity to mentor the country's best talent.

Problem Statement: (Click for detailed statements)
Developing System That Heals Itself In Case Of A Security Compromise
Assurance Of Security Of Hardware Devices, Products And Components
Defending Against Advanced Attack Vectors On Biometric Identification And Authentication Systems
Securing Against IoT Edge Device Threats Through Programmable Network Elements
Development Of Automated System To Enable Privacy Preserving Analytics/Forensics
Info Video:
Who can Apply?
Candidates who want to participate in Grand Challenge must comply with the definition of startup as notified by DPIIT vide order no G.S.R. 127(E) dated 19th February 2019. An entity shall be considered as 'start-up':
Upto a period of ten years from the date of incorporation/ registration, if it is incorporated as a private limited company (as defined in the Companies Act, 2013) or registered as a partnership firm (registered under section 59 of the Partnership Act, 1932) or a limited liability partnership (under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008) in India.
Turnover of the entity for any of the financial years since incorporation/ registration has not exceeded one hundred crore rupees.
Entity is working towards innovation, development or improvement of products or processes or services, or if it is a scalable business model with a high potential of employment generation or wealth creation.
Provided that an entity formed by splitting up or reconstruction of an existing business shall not be considered a 'Startup'. Innovative Security Products being developed should not have violated/ breached/ copied any product already launched and/or copyrighted or patented.
For the product to be developed as part of Grand Challenge, if any IPR/Patent is being used, contesting entity must possess the legitimate rights to use the IPR/Patents.
The product to be developed for Grand Challenge should be designed and developed in India.
Any group of individuals, which is not registered as startup and wants to participate in Grand Challenge may participate with the condition that the group must register the entity by 14th February 2020 and submit the copy of registration to organizing committee failing which submitted proposal will not be considered further.
If Participating Team is not yet registered, they are still allowed to submit ideas, but are required to be registered as private limited company (as defined in the Companies Act, 2013) or registered as a partnership firm (registered under section 59 of the Partnership Act, 1932) or a limited liability partnership (under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008) in India (as per definition available in the latest notification of DIPP at before 14 February, 2020
Also Check: TATA Crucible Hackathon 2020
Contest Structure:
Stage 1: Idea Stage
Stage 2 : Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Stage
Stage 3 : Final Stage
Grand Challenge Launch- 15 January, 2020
Last Date for Registration of Team- 14 February, 2020
Last Date for Submission of Idea Nomination form with Startup Details Only Incorporated/ registered startups can apply- 16 March , 2020
Result for Idea Stage- 31 March, 2020
Last date for Submission of Minimum Viable Product- 15 June, 2020
Result for Minimum Viable Product Stage- 30 June, 2020
Last Date of Submission of Final Product- 30 September, 2020
Awards Ceremony- TBD

The winning team will be awarded a prize money of Rs 1 crore.
Furthermore, first and second runner up will receive prize money of Rs 60 lakh and Rs 40 lakh respectively.
............INNOVATE TO WIN............
For more details and application visit the link below:
Category of contest: software, startup, government
Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries and innovators to know various contest updates , we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.