Closing Date: 17/06/2020 (refer Contest Link) Reward: Upto 2 Lakhs INR
Contest outline:
On the theme "Atmanirbhar Bharat" or "Self Reliant India", in this pandemic period, Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidyalaya, Engineering College is organizing "Aatmanirbhar Bharat Hackathon" using an online platform. This event is based on the concept "Today's problem will bring tomorrow's innovation". The main objective of this event is to unleash creativity by providing an appropriate platform.

Focused Area:
Sustainable Smart Technology
Computer Science , Cyber Security & Information Technologies
Electronics , IoT & Robotics
Automobile , Smart Infrastructure & Hard Tech
Additive Manufacturing, Clean Energy, Affordable Technology
Governance, Public Policy & Education
Journalism & Law
Economics & Policy Reforms
Education Pedagogy
International Relation & Diplomacy
Administration Reforms & Politics
Business & Entrepreneurship
New Business Ideas for New Normal
Social Enterprise
Supply Chain & Logistics
Post Pandemic Business Reforms
Sustainable Environment
Bio-Waste Management
Medicine and Pharmacy
New Agriculture Methodologies
Special Tracks
Post Covid-19 Model for Bharat
20Lakh Crore Implementation
Rules and Guidelines:
Registration should be done only in a Group of 2 to 6 participants.
Teams will have their Team ID which will be used for further contacts and
process of Ideathon .
There are 5 main domains in this Ideathon.
Rounds: Round 1: Filtration Round, Round 2: Final Presentation Round
Timeline: Summary Report Submission Start Date: 15th June 2020 00:00 IST, Summary Report Submission Last Date: 17th June 2020 23:59 IST, Presentation Round: 20th June 2020
Each team has to select their domain of Idea while registering for Ideathon.
Teams have to submit their Summary Report, Design Canvas and brief introduction about their idea by 17th June 2020.
Final Submitted Idea should be related to the domain that you have selected while registering for Ideathon.
Presentation Round,
Team Leader will get a link to a Google meet for a presentation session.
On the day of Round, teams will have to present their Idea in front of Industrial Experts.
During the Presentation Round, All members of the team should be present in the presentation.
Teams will have time of 5-7 mins for their presentation.
Also Read: BIRAC-SoCH Innovation Award

Prize: 2 Lakhs Prizes will be given to the winners of Ideathon and Hackathon.
............INNOVATE TO WIN............
For more details and applying click the contest link below:
Category of contest: hackathon
Join Our Telegram Group:
Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries and innovators to know various contest updates , we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.
#Aatmanirbhar #hackathon #spreadinginnovation #projectcontest