Closing Date: 30/07/2020 (refer Contest Link) Reward: Upto 50 Lakhs INR
Contest outline:
BIRAC-SoCH (Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council-Solutions for Community Health) is an Innovation Challenge Award envisioned to offer a unique platform to Start-ups/Entrepreneurs working in the community health sector. The focus of the Challenge is to facilitate a promising technology idea that can be translated into an efficient technology which addresses the issues of community health in a defined time limit.
Presently, more than 80 crore Indians depend on the usage of biomass fuels for their cooking needs, of which a disproportionately high number comprise rural households. Most prevalent cooking practices in the rural and community settings include indoor cooking, with poor ventilation, on inefficient-basic mud/stone stoves, often characterized by the use of air blowers for better flame, making every day cooking a very hazardous affair for health and environment alike. Severe, continued exposure to indoor/household air pollution is known to cause 1 million premature deaths in India every year, where over 66,000 are those of children under the age of 5. Alternate options for moving to cleaner cooking solutions include switching to cleaner biomass based cook stoves, induction-based systems, LPG, solar based cooking and biogas-based cooking. However, each of these cooking solutions has their own limitations and face challenges in adoption and scale up, thus the clean cooking sector needs much focus and efforts in promoting the adoption of the clean cooking solutions.
It is towards realizing this end that BIRAC has intended to launch SoCH Award to facilitate Indian innovators to offer solutions for clean cooking based challenges having national and global relevance.
BIRAC Website:
Focused Area:
Innovative, Efficient and Affordable Solutions for Clean Cooking in Rural and Community Settings
Contest Time Lines:
Call announced: 20th March 2020 on BIRAC online portal
Last date for submission of EoIs: 15th June 2020 at 5:30 pm
Evaluation and short listing of EoIs: July, 2020
Detailed applications invited from selected EoIs: Aug 2020
Selection of top 10 solutions through evaluation of detailed applications: September 2020
10 shortlisted applicants to receive INR 5 Lakhs each and incubation/mentorship support to deliver prototypes in 3 months: December 2020
Selection of top 5 Finalists/solutions through detailed Technical (lab) and controlled field testing of the products: February 2021
5 Finalists to receive INR 10 lakhs each and incubation /mentorship support for product development, design & fabrication to deliver final products in 3.5 months: May 2021
Detailed and participatory user acceptance trials to be conducted in the field for 3 months: August 2021
Announcement of 2 winners of the theme to receive INR 50 lakhs each: September 2021
Also Read: Tata Innoverse-Season 9
Who can Apply?
The applicant must be an Indian citizen.
The primary applicant should be the Project Leader who meets the eligibility requirements mentioned below.
If the applicant is formally employed (or registered as a student) with a non-profit academic or research organization, then the applicant has to produce a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the head of the organization clearly indicating that the organization has policies in place to allow the applicant to accept the award (if successful) as an individual and has policies in place to allow its employees creation of technology products while in service or while in sabbatical leave or while in EOL.
If the applicant is formally employed with a for-profit company, the applicant has to provide an No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the head of the organization clearly indicating that the organization has policies in place to allow the applicant to accept the award (if successful) as an individual and has policies in place to allow its employees creation of technology products while in service or while in sabbatical leave or while in EOL. Alternatively, the applicant needs to apply as Company.
An individual who is a promoter shareholder of any company or one of the partners in any LLP will not be allowed to apply as an individual, irrespective of the percentage of shareholding of the applicant in the company. (In such a case, the application can be submitted through company/LLP route, in case the company/LLP meets the required eligibility criterion)

10 shortlisted applicants to receive INR 5 lakhs each and incubation/mentorship support for development of Minimal Viable Prototypes (MVP) in 3 months.
5 finalists to receive additional INR 10 lakhs each and incubation/mentorship support for product development, design & fabrication to deliver final products in 3.5 months.
2 winners of the theme selected after the 3 months of user acceptance field trials to receive INR 50 lakhs each and a continued incubation support (if required) for ensuring effective after sales of the product post the deployment.
............INNOVATE TO WIN............
For more details and applying click the link below:
Category of contest: startup, government, Award
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Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries and innovators to know various contest updates , we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.