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Senior Hardware Hackathon-2020

Closing Date: 26 Nov 2020 (Check Contest Website)

About Senior Hardware Hackathon:

It is a nationwide hardware hackathon for college students which encompasses the exposition of the static and dynamic final product/prototype, whereby the stealthy potentials of the youth are unveiled. This event is exclusively chalked out to court participation beyond the walls of technical institution so as to scoop out the essence of innovation from every nooks and crannies of the region. The event showcases the acumen of the participants to implement their imagination to real world models.

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Event task :

The task is to construct a final hardware product either static or dynamic, in order to explain any phenomenon of Science and Technology or to depict the working of any application of engineering studies.

Focused area of the contest:

  1. Save Energy - Lights can either be kept ON or can be switched OFF, but considering the timing constraints the lighting system cannot be kept off at night time. But due to less traffic or usage after midnight all that energy gets wasted. The aim of this problem statement is to device a system to intelligently lighten the college properly and save a large amount of energy.

  2. Track-o- solar - We all know how solar panels are used to generate electricity from sunlight. But its efficiency is hampered by the path of the sun. The task of the team will be to device a method to follow the sun without moving the solar panels.

  3. Human scavenging of potholes - Despite stringent provisions in the law, manual scavenging continues unabated in India. Manual scavenging is defined as "the removal of human excrement from public streets and dry latrines, cleaning septic tanks, gutters, and sewers." Despite the fact of possible job losses for these people, propose a device for an innovative hardware solution to curtail this high risk of human lives.

  4. Waste management - Waste management is a hot issue in urban management in India. Indians generate 62 million tons of municipal solid waste each year, but only 43 million tons are collected, and under one million tons are treated. The rest ends up in landfills. The lack of uniformity in different cities has made it difficult to consistently replicate international models of waste planning. Design cost effective hardware/software devices required for the same purpose.

  5. Traffic management - Road traffic management Traffic jams and traffic rules violation is something everyone can relate to. Innovate a tool to aid traffic police in managing traffic jams and facilitate autonomous monitoring of the traffic rule violators

  6. Accident prevention - This is the most significant problem in any developing country. Design an efficient, practical idea to avoid unintentional injuries in the conviction so that majority of them are avoidable.

  7. Sanitation - Nearly 70% of Indians get their drinking water from the public tap, but the quality and availability of that water are often seriously limited. Sanitation remains a challenge in rural areas: only 34% of rural Indians have access to sanitation centers. The spread of water-borne diseases represents a serious public health risk. Design cost effective hardware devices required for the same purpose.

  8. Smart dustbins - Under the Swatch Bharat mission we should have all the government offices fitted with these low-cost dustbins which will be smart enough to inform the labour when it’s full and when to empty them. Design a cost-effective smart dustbin meant for offices, homes and parks

  9. Educational solutions for better understanding - Come up with innovative practices to change the tiresome system of educational techniques for students. It should be competent in Covid-19 times as well

  10. Public health - Public health aims to improve the quality of life through prevention and treatment of disease, including mental health. This is done through the surveillance of cases and health indicators, and through the promotion of healthy behaviours. Students are encouraged to come up with ideas which can improve the present system of public healthcare.

  11. Crisis management - With many companies coming back progressively to their offices, what solutions could they build on Teams to ensure a safe and organized return to their workplace?

  12. Data processing for hospitals - Develop a secure in-house AI-based data processing solution that will help healthcare institutions and hospitals to study and analyze patient’s medical records. Using Deep Neural Networks, robust computational processing, and machine learning, the data processing solution should help medical personnel to streamline their workflows and better manage patient care.

  13. Cyber bullying - Cyber bullying is primarily harassment using Electronics means, majorly Social Media. This causes emotional pain on young ones and many of them commit suicide after wards. This problem statement requires you to invest your time and bring up an ideas to stop cyber bullying.

  14. Portable brick manufacturing - As you might have seen the portable brick manufacturing process, on the construction sites using ash and cement. Though the process is much effective in making bricks but is slow and tedious. Our aim is to design a system which can decrease the labor cost surrounding the process and increase its speed.

  15. Open innovation - Brainstorm bold new ideas and apply fresh insights to advance existing concepts. The idea of an open theme is to give students an opportunity to stretch their imagination and come up with innovative solutions to demonstrate day to day challenges faced by people across the globe.

Rules and Guidelines:

1) General rules

· Registration can be done in group of maximum 4 and minimum 1 participant.

· This platform welcomes anyone with the perspective to present their idea. In a team, members can be from different institutes too.

· The Team Name should be unique and not contain the name of your institute in any form.

· No inter-branch restrictions.

· Teams will have their Team ID which will be used for further contacts and process of Junior Hardware Hackathon.

2) Submissions

· Each team has to select their Problem Statement while registering.

· By the end of Registration and final product verification, teams will be allowed to present their models in front of jury and judgement will be based on the feasibility, practicability, sustainability, scale of impact, user experience and potential for future work

3) Important Documents

· Abstract/ Brief description of the idea.

· The idea should be related to the domain mentioned and Open Innovation is welcomed.

· Improved Abstract on the required Date.

· Plagiarism is not allowed. The abstract should be 100% unique.

4) Presentation Round

· Only the team Leader will get the link to Google meet for a presentation session. It would be solely the responsibility of the team leader to ensure the presence of his/her teammates.

· On the day of presentation, teams will have to present their Idea and the final hardware product in front of the jury.

· During the Presentation Round, all members of the team should be present in the presentation.

· Within 8 minutes the Prototype presentation should be wrapped up. 5 other minutes will be for answering the queries of Judging Panel.


· Use of model designing software is allowed but real models will be preferred.

· Candidates can use any relevant model designing and simulation software.

Who Can Apply:

  • All the Students currently pursuing education from recognized institutes are allowed to take part in the event.

Also Check- TCS Inframind-2020

Contest Rounds:

Round 1 – Info Bridge

Round 2 – Online Prototype Verification

Round 3 – Online Product Exposition

.............INNOVATE TO WIN..............


For more details and registration visit the contest link below:

Category of contest: hackathon

Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries and innovators to know various contest updates , we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.

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