Closing Date: 12-Mar-2019 Reward: 3,00,000 INR
Organizer Details:
Tata innoverse was started by Tata industries, to provide open innovation platform to solve challenges for various problems. By this initiative the industry is targeting to solve many real world problems by reaching out to skilled solvers internationally and also to provide them a best platform to demonstrate their ideas, skills and creativity to develop unique and best solutions to solve real world industry challenges. The best problem solvers get rewarded, and also they become trusted technology partner with Tata industries.
Problem Statement Outline:
A Tata industry requires problem solvers for solving automated recording and communication of power consumption (kWh) in analog energy meters.
An electricity meter or energy meter is a device that measures the amount of electrical energy consumed by a home, business or appliance that is electrically powered. Utilities use electric meters installed at the consumer's premises for billing purposes. They are usually calibrated in billing units, the most common being the kilowatt-hour (kWh).

More Details:
They are usually read once per billing period.
Electrical meters in the context referred to are analog meters used to measure energy consumption.
The billing of the household or unit consuming energy is done by reading and manually recording the reading of the meter.
Billing is prepared by the person visiting each residence or business and recording the meter reading from the analog meter.
The current practice of viewing and recording the meter reading is time consuming and laborious and can be avoided.
Tata innoverse needs solution to this problem of manual reading and billing. The new system developed by you should eliminate manual reading.
The solution must allow the central station (utilities) to know the meter readings of all analogue meters to prepare individual bills.
The solution should be cheaper and cheaper than replacing existing analog meters with new digital meters connected to the network.
In addition, it is not expected that the resident or user will record the readings and send them to the central station.
For more details visit the link below:
Contest link:
Category of contest: Hardware contest, Industry contest
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