Registration Closing Date: 10/10/2021 (refer Contest Link) Reward: 10 Lakh INR
About the Contest :
India has made great strides in space research under the able leadership of Indian space scientists and today ISRO is considered the most capable and competitive space agency, compared to the best in the world. India's space missions have sparked increased interest among students and young people in space research and understanding to learn more about outer space.
Planetariums in subways and other large cities attract a large number of students and offer a first exhibition to learn more about Space. Efforts have been made to increase the availability of planetariums in small towns and even in rural areas. Around the world, efforts have been made to integrate augmented reality (A.R.), virtual reality (V.R.) and merged reality (M.R.) technologies into planetariums. Mobile planetariums have also become popular and offer people in rural areas the opportunity to experience a planetarium. Several Indian start-ups and tech companies have the potential to create such AR / VR / MR solutions as well as mobile planetarium solutions. With the aim of recognizing the best Indian solutions of this type, MyGov, under the leadership of the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), the Indian government, invites applications from Indian startups and technology entrepreneurs for an innovation challenge aimed at developing cutting-edge technology. for our Planetariums. The selected solutions will not only receive cash rewards, but also the possibility to deploy them in various cities and rural areas by listing them on the GeM portal.
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Problem Statement:
Some planetariums in India use outdated technology with no O.E.M. support available. At the same time, it has been observed that planetariums worldwide are making use of the latest technology (A.R., V.R. and M.R.) and making their planetariums systems mobile.
Who can Participate & Guidelines:
The participants should be Indian Citizens or companies/Start-up with a majority stake of Indian Citizens.
The Planetarium Challenge will be available on
The last date of submission of entry is 10th October 2021
The applicant needs to login on th eMyGov portal:
Applicants are advised to provide self-contained proposals essential supporting materials provided as uploads for an informed and fair evaluation/review.
No changes will be accepted once proposals are submitted.
Providing incorrect information will lead to outright rejection of proposals.
Evaluation Parameters:
Approach towards problem-solving: Product Idea, Degree of Innovation, Novelty of Approach.
Business Use Case: U.S.P., Monetization Plan and Vision
Solution Technical Feasibility: Product Features, Multilingual, Scalability and Usability
Start-up Type: Start-ups Incubated by Educational Institutions
Use of latest Tech: Integration of A.R., V.R., M.R. into the system
Content: Astronomical Educational Content
Mobility: The technology used should be mobile and cost effective
Contest Stages:
Program Launch Date
Last Registration Date
Ideation Stage
Presentation & Prototype Stage
Product Building Stage

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Fast Track your future: A platform to innovate and deploy the solution according to the requirements
Customers Outreach: A high viewership platform provide you with the opportunity to showcase promote your Innovation to Leaders from organizations across Indian Industry Sectors
Grow your expectations: Opportunity to meet peers in the field and get to know the latest advancement in the Ecosystem. Your peers in this Program are the regions' finest. They are an essential part of the experience, so we ensure you work with the very best.
Rewards and Recognitions:
1st Prize – Rs. 5 Lakh
2nd Prize – Rs. 3 Lakh
3rd Prize – Rs. 2 Lakh

.............INNOVATE TO WIN..............
To Register visit the link below:
Category of the contest: Startup Contest, Space Scienc Education
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Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries, and innovators to know various contest updates, we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which were given at the time of contest launch if any changes made in a contest such as a reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.