Closing Date: 31 Dec 2020 (Check Contest Website) Reward: 25 Lakh INR & 15 Lakh INR
About National Awards 2021:
Technology Development Board (TDB) instituted a national award for the successful commercialization of indigenous technology by industrial companies in 1999. In order to forge a powerful partnership with national laboratories and to create knowledge networks with academic institutions. The second award category was was introduced in 2000 for SSI units. It was renamed MSME Award. Starting in 2017, a new award category called the National Start-up Award was introduced to encourage and promote technologies developed by start-ups with commercialization potential.
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About Technology Development Board (TDB):
The Government of India constituted the Technology Development Board (TDB) in September 1996, under the Technology Development Board Act, 1995, as a statutory body, to promote development and commercialization of indigenous technology and adaptation of imported technology for wider application. The board consists of 11 Board members.
The TDB is the first organization of its kind within the government framework with the sole objective of commercializing the fruit of indigenous research. The Board plays a pro-active role by encouraging enterprises to take up technology oriented products. Provides equity capital or loans to industrial concerns and financial assistance to research and development institutions. The loan carries a simple interest rate of 5% per annum. With its pro-active stance the Board:
Facilitates interaction between industry, scientists, technocrats and specialists
Fosters and innovation culture through contract and cooperative research between industry and institutions
Provides an interface with financial institutions and commercial banks for leveraging funds
Facilitates the creation of new generation of entrepreneurs
Assists partnerships with other, similar technology financing bodies
Provides vistas for venturing into hi-tech areas
Creates new job opportunities.
The Fund has been receiving grants from the Government of India out of the cess collections from the industrial concerns under the provisions of the Research and Development Cess Act, 1986, as amended in 1995. Any income from investment of the amount of the Fund and the recoveries made of the amounts disbursed from the Fund are credited for building up the Fund. The finance Act, 1999, enabled full deductions to the donations made to the fund for income tax purposes.
Award Categories and Reward:
There are three categories of award, which are as following-
I. NATIONAL AWARD FOR THE SUCCESSFUL COMMERCIALIZATION OF INDIGENOUS TECHNOLOGY This award will be given to an industrial concern which has successfully developed & commercialized an indigenous technology on or after April 2016. In case, the technology developer / provider and technology commercializer are two different organizations, each one would be eligible for award of ₹25 Lakh and a trophy.
Cash Award of ₹25 Lakh
Number of awards: One*
II. NATIONAL AWARD FOR MSMEs This award will be given to MSMEs which have successfully commercialized a product based on indigenous technology on or after April 2016.
Cash Awards of ₹15 Lakh
Number of awards: Three*
III. NATIONAL AWARD FOR TECHNOLOGY START-UPs This award will be given to a technology start-up for promising new technology with potential for commercialization.
Cash Awards of ₹15 Lakh
Number of awards: One*
* Committee may change the number of awards to be given or may defer if the entries are not found suitable.

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Few Points to Note:
Application has to be filled in online mode only. Hard copies of applications are not accepted by TDB.
Please ensure that you are filling the appropriate application form available online at TDB website (
The applicant(s) is/are advised to retain the same mobile number and E-mail ID which they have furnished in the application form as SMS & Email will be the modes of communication. The applicant(s) is/are advised to register with their personal mobile number & E-mail ID.
Last two year’s award winners are not eligible to apply.
TDB does not charge any fee for submission of application for National Awards.
Separate applications should be made for each indigenous technology commercialized / promising new technology with potential for commercialization.
If an applicant(s) faces a problem during any stage of submission or in case of any query related to this programme, please contact 011-26524897.
Last Date to Apply:
Last date for Receipt of Complete Online Application is on or before December 31st, 2020 (05:00 PM).
Link will get disabled on 31st December, 2020 (05:00 PM).

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Category of contest: Award
Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries and innovators to know various contest updates , we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.