Closing Date: refer Contest Link Reward: Upto 10 Lakhs INR(as funding Support)
Contest outline:
The Institution Innovation Council (IIC) an Initiative of MHRD Innovation Unit is pleased to announce the 2nd edition of the IIC 2020 National Innovation Competition for all IIC institutes. Building on the success and lessons learned from the national proof of concept competition (POC competition -2019) and regional mentoring sessions 2019, the national innovation competition 2020 is promulgated with an improved process and functionalities.
The second edition of the National Innovation Contest 2020 is announced in February 2020, so that IICs and students have enough time to go through the complete 360-degree learning process that begins with exposure to the real environment , problem identification, Development of ideas and solutions, development and validation of proof of concept, development of prototypes / innovations and finally nomination of the best best student innovations from IIC on the national portal IIC. Like last year, this year too, they are organizing a series of regional mentoring and bootcamp sessions at the national level for the named innovative students.
The IIC 2020 National Innovation Competition aims to identify creative minds, engage them in the construction of innovations, and feed them through a series of mentoring sessions and bootcamps. The innovation competition is a 360-degree approach to completing a cycle of innovation and entrepreneurship through a process of problem identification, ideation and business creation in a period of six months.

Focused Areas:
IIC Institutes should scout student innovation on the following themes
Healthcare & Biomedical devices.
Agriculture & Rural Development.
Smart Vehicles/ Electric vehicle/ Electric vehicle motor and battery technology.
Food Processing.
Robotics and Drones.
Waste management.
Clean & Potable water.
Renewable and affordable Energy.
IoT based technologies (e.g. Security & Surveillance systems etc.)
ICT, cyber-physical systems, Blockchain, Cognitive computing, Cloud computing, AI & ML.
Other Notable Points:
IICs need to disseminate and encourage students to take part in idea submission. Encourage the ideas taken from the real life problem encountered buy students during their visits to Society, market industry etc.
Problems from SIH, internal Hackathons and other campus hackathons can be considered. Idea may be technical and (or) non-technical.
IIC Institute need to organize an ideation workshop for participants and evaluate the ideas received.
No limit on submission of number of ideas and team size. Gender balance is encouraged. All ideas need to be carefully evaluated by the evaluation committee setup for the purpose. Evaluation committee may have external experts and (or) member’s representation from incubation and startup.
Above evaluation criteria can be used for the evaluation purpose of ideas received from students. Ideas, which receive minimum score of 25, should be considered for next level (PoC level).
The details of ideas received need to be uploaded on IIC portal under MIC Driven activities (activities are scheduled under ACTIVITY tab in IIC homepage).
IIC National Innovation Contest 360- degree Cycle:

Also Read: TCS Codevita 2020
who can Apply?
Students of MHRD-IIC Registered Institutes of India only Can apply
There is no limit on team size, but maximum two members will get the chance to attend the regional mentoring sessions, which will be conducted during the month of June-July 2020 at the regional level.

Selected POCs will get the following rewards
Incubation Support
Funding of upto 10 lakhs
............INNOVATE TO WIN............
For more details and application visit the link below:
Category of contest: startup, government
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Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries and innovators to know various contest updates , we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.