Registration Ends: 15th April 2023 (Refer Contest Website) Reward: 20,000,000 INR
Contest Background:
KAVACH-2023 is a unique opportunity for senior institutional students and startups in India to submit their innovative ideas/concepts under the various problem statements. This contest was launched by the Ministry of Education's Innovation Cell, AICTE, the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) (MHA) and the Center Indian Cybercrime Coordination (I4C) (MHA) , KAVACH is a unique national Hackathon to identify innovative concepts and technological solutions to address the 21st century security challenges facing our intelligence agencies . KAVACH-2023 is designed to challenge the innovative minds of India to conceptualize ideas and framework in the field of cyber security using artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning, automation, big data and cloud computing.
This event will take place in physical mode in two phases. Pre-selection round of the initial phase / ideas and round of the grand finale. In the first round, the initially submitted ideas will be carefully reviewed and scrutinized and the selected ones will be moved for the grand final to be held in the month of July 2023. KAVACH 2023 will have two phases. The ideas submitted will be evaluated by a panel of experts in the field and only innovative ideas will be selected for the Grand Final or the 2nd round. During the Grand Finals, the selected entrants must build the solution to demonstrate their concepts and prove to the juries that their ideas are technically feasible and, more importantly, feasible. The best ideas will be declared winners. During this 36-hour hackathon, scheduled for July-23, selected young people from educational institutions across the country will participate to deliver strong, safe and effective technology solutions using their technical expertise and innovative skills. . Total cash prizes worth Rs. 20,000,000 are announced for the winning teams.
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List of Problem Statements:
This hackathon has 20 Problem statements related to the cyber security domain against which the innovative minds will be able to submit their ideas and compete against each other
KVH-001 - New age women safety app (Mobile App/Women safety)
KVH-002 - Obscenity blocker solution (Obscene Content Detection/ AI)
KVH-003 - Advanced fake news detection system (Fake News/social media)
KVH-004 - Phishing Detection Solution (Phishing Detection/AI)
KVH-005 - Advanced ANPR & FRS solution (Video analytics/CCTV)
KVH-006 - Dark web crawler (Dark web)
KVH-007 - Spam alert system (Spam Alert/AI)
KVH-008 - Malware analysis tool (Malware Analysis/Digital Forensics)
KVH-009 - Advanced CCTV analytics solution (Video Analytics/CCTV)
KVH-010 - RAM dump collection tool (Digital Forensics)
KVH-011 - Citizen safety app for protection against cyber crimes (Citizen Safety Mobile App)
KVH-012 - Fund trail analysis tool (Financial Data Analysis)
KVH-013 - Tool for monitoring ground personnel (Asset Tracking)
KVH-014 - Chat messenger decryption tool (Cyber Crime Investigation & Forensics)
KVH-015 - Mesh network app detection (Cyber Intelligence)
KVH-016 - Detecting usage of LoRa (Signal Intelligence)
KVH-017 - Hardware forensic suite (Digital Forensics)
KVH-018 - Plug & play system security audit tool (Cyber Security Audit)
KVH-019 - Solution for auditing propriety cellular/portable electronic device hardware (Cyber Security Audit)
KVH-020 - Indigenous Crypto Currency Investigation Tool (Crypto Analysis)
Note: For Detailed Problem Statement visit Contest Website
Contest Timeline
Launch of Kavach Hackathon - 16th Feb 2023
Idea Submission -1st March 2023 – 15th April 2023
Idea Evaluation -16th April 2023 – 15th May 2023
Announcement of Finalist (in Batches) -16th May 2023 – 31st May 2023
Training of Finalist - 1st June 2023 – 1st July 2023
Grand Finale of the Hackathon -12th July 2023 – 14th July 2023

Who can Apply:
College/University students (Bachelors or Master or PhD) enrolled in any regular course/program.
Start-ups having valid registration details in:
MSME or incorporated under the Indian Companies Act
General Guidelines:
For College/University students,
All team members should be from same college; no inter-college teams are allowed. However, members from different branches of the same college/ institute are encouraged to form a team.
Each team would comprise of minimum 3 member and maximum 6 members including the team leader.
Each team must have at least one female team member.
For problem statement that is focussing on digital solution, then majority of the team members MUST be well versed with programming skills. For any problem statement with inclusion of any hardware components, we encourage multi-disciplinary teams – which means your team should have a good mix of Mechanical Engineers, Electronic Engineers, Product Designers and Programmers.
Colleges MUST issue a letter on their letterhead stating the names of the team and team members.
The team leader’s name with proper designation of members should be clearly specified in the letter.
Clearly communicate the email-ids and mobile numbers of all team members as well.
The Team Name should be unique and not contain the name of your institute in any form.
The letter should bear the seal of the college/ institute along with signature of the principal/dean/ institute director.
A scanned copy of this letter in PDF form is to be mandatorily uploaded during online application process.
The team leader can nominate up to 2 mentors preferably having relevant expertise in academia or industry experience.
For start-ups,
All team members should be from the same start-up; no different start up teams are allowed.
Each team would comprise of minimum 3 member and maximum 6 members including the team leader.
The start-up should furnish proper documentation of their registered start-up. Anyone not submitting details of their registered start-up will lead to rejection of their team. The team needs to upload on start-up/company letter head along with proper stamp their details of team and members along with contact details.
The team leader’s name with proper designation of members should be clearly specified in the letter.
Clearly communicate the email-ids and mobile numbers of all team members as well.
The Team Name should be unique and include your start-up name.
The letter should bear the seal of the start-up/company along with signature of the director or owner of the start-up/company.
A scanned copy of this letter in PDF form is to be mandatorily uploaded during online application process.
It is optional to add the team mentors only for the start-ups/company.

.............INNOVATE TO WIN..............
Per PS there will be single winner. Prize will be provided for the winning team/Start-up with amount of Rs.1,00,000/- Per PS.
For more details & to register for the contest:
Category of the contest: Hackathon, Government Contest
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Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries, and innovators to know various contest updates, we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which were given at the time of contest launch if any changes made in a contest such as a reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.