Closing Date: 30 April 2019 Reward: Trip to Singapore
The ICT Academy is an initiative of the Indian Government in collaboration with governments and state industries. The ICT Academy is a non-profit society, the first of its kind in the public-private partnership (PPP) model, which strives to train teachers and students in higher education. students.
The ICT Academy was created to address the skills needs of the industry and generate more jobs, particularly in tier 2 and 3 cities in rural areas of the country. The organization was established with representations from the Tamil Nadu State Government, leading ICT companies and the National Association of Software Service Companies (NASSCOM) in India.
With teacher and student training as its primary focus, the ICT Academy has implemented a seven-pillar program in the following areas: faculty development, student skills development, entrepreneurship development, empowerment young people, interaction between industry and institutes, digital empowerment and research and publications.
Over the last seven years, the ICT Academy has strived to provide a global service to all players in the education ecosystem to develop India's next-generation talent pool, so that employees, innovators, entrepreneurs and ready-to-go leaders.
The ICT Academy is recently approved and recommended by the NITI Aayog (National Institution for the Transformation of Indian Industry Aayog), the national planning body of the Indian Government, as one of the unique dissemination and replication organizations , which aligns with the vision of the Government of India India.
Through its various initiatives, the ICT Academy has helped to strengthen India's four major visions on Skill India, Digital India, Startup India and Make in India.
Objective of the contest:
This is a "book summary writing" contest organized by ICT Academy and Prime Academy to help students learn to read and showcase their writing skills.
An exclusive contest allowing students to choose to read and write the resume of any interesting non-fiction book for about 1300-2000 words. Submit the resume and get a chance to win your way to Singapore.
Any English non-fiction book. The following is the category of books.
Biography and Autobiography
Business and Economics
Business Self-Help
Business Strategy and Management
Cognitive Psychology
Family, Personal and Social Issues
Life style guides
Management and Leadership
Parenting and relationships
Personal development and Self-help
Politics and social sciences
True Accounts
The copyright of all selected items will belong to ICT Academy and Prime Academy. These shall be put to use in the manner the organizers deem fit.
The summary should faithfully reflect the message conveyed in the book.
The summary should be easy to read and be peppered with examples. The word count is between 1300 and 1500 words.
All examples should flow only from the book.
The writing must be of yours, should be original, and not copied.
Please note this is an executive-summary writing, and not a book-review contest.
An individual can submit any number of entries.
Registration Form outline:

Prize & Recognition:
1st Prize- Full Paid trip to Singapore (covering ticket, boarding and accommodation). Certificate and Winner Award
2nd Prize- (3 Second Prizes) Gift Voucher to stay in a holiday resort for 2 Nights and 3 Days. Certificate and Runner Award
3rd Prize- (16 third Prizes) Each will receive an amazon gift voucher worth INR 2,000 Certification of Merit
.............ALL THE BEST..............
For more details and registration visit the contest link below:
Contest link:
Category of contest: General Contest
Disclaimer: As our blog was started to support students and innovators to know all latest contest, we furnish the details in our blog post which are taken from the contest link which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward or date of closing is now responsible for the changes.