Closing Date: 15 Dec 2021 (Refer Contest Link) Reward: 40 Lakh INR (Total)
About HaRBInger:
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) - The Central Banking Authority of India invites individuals and entities to come up with innovative ideas for the four problem statements under the general theme of “smarter digital payments”. RBI, through its guidance and support, has successfully transformed India into a country on the crest of a wave in the evolution of digital payments and continues to do so by fostering innovation.
The rise of digital payments in India has not only made it easier to achieve greater financial inclusion, but also interoperability between payment systems, unparalleled ease of transactions, robust customer protection measures have made the Indian retail payment system one of the safest in the world. RBI invites ideas to improve reach, convenience and user experience, while making digital payments smart and secure. If you have an innovative solution, haRBInger 2021 is the right platform
Focused Theme: Smarter Digital Payments
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Problem Statements:
HARBINGER 2021 aims to identify and enable solutions and/or business models that have the potential to make digital payments accessible to the underpriviledged section, enhancing the ease of payments, enriching the experience of the users while strengthening the security of digital payments and protecting the consumers.
It aims to solve the following challenges in the payment and settlement landscape:
Alternate authentication mechanism: Alternate authentication mechanism for digital payments. (internet and mobile payments)
Context based retail payments solution: Context based retail payments to remove the physical act of payment from payment experience.
Non-mobile digital payment solutions: Innovative, easy-to-use, non-mobile digital payment solutions for converting small ticket cash transactions to digital mode.
Social Media Analysis tool: Social Media Analysis and Monitoring tool for detection of digital payment fraud and disruption.
Who Can Apply:
An entity or individuals who are of age eighteen years and above and are eligible to enter into a contractual agreement.
who possess a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) or a product available on the market or ready to be rolled out in the market.
Who have an element of innovation or novel application of technology serving common good.
Participants from all backgrounds and geographies are welcome, albeit knowledge about the Indian payment systems market and consumers is preferred.
Participants should be open to form an incorporated entity in India if they are winners of the hackathon.
Contest Timelines:
Start Registration: November 15th, 2021 Participants can register to kickstart their journey
Submit Proposals: December 15th, 2021 Participating teams to submit proposals to one or more Problem Statements.
Shortlist Finalists: January 31st, 2022 Proposals will be reviewed and shortlisted by a panel of experts on keeping in mind.
Submit Solutions: February 28th, 2022 Shortlisted solutions to be developed and submitted for evaluation on the APIX platform.
Announce Winners: April 1st, 2022 Grand Finale - final evaluation and announcement of winners
Winner: 40 Lakh
Runner: 20 Lakh

For detailed Problem Statements & Register click the button:
Category of the contest: Hackathon
.............INNOVATE TO WIN..............

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Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries, and innovators to know various contest updates, we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which were given at the time of contest launch if any changes made in a contest such as a reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.