Reward: Total Event Prize 1 Crore INR
Contest Details:
ESVC-JUNIOR is a national solar education program and a championship for Grades 6-12. Student teams design, build and race high-performance, solar powered remote-controlled cars. ISIEINDIA organized this event in more than 200 college regional centers for 10,000 school teams with at least one teacher / mentor in a team for the common vision of preparing students for the future from the start. The regional winners will compete in the final.
Organizer Details:
The Electric Solar Vehicle Championship (ESVC) is the largest solar event in Asia launched by the Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers (ISIE), associate member of FMSCI and SFI, winner of the National Youth Award by New and Renewable Energies, Government of India) in 2013. The fundamental objective is to sensitize generations of engineers to renewable energy resources and to encourage them to develop this sector, while making it fun. They must build a solar-electric vehicle to compete with each other.
The construction of the vehicle per student / faculty / professional in accordance with the rules of the Adventure and Professional Class must comply with the strict specifications of the rule book. Participating teams design and manufacture ergonomic, stable, lightweight and solar powered vehicles. They are fun to drive at the same time.
Handbook For the Solar Car making Link:

The Total consolidation Prize pf the event
Cash prize : INR 10000000/-
For more details visit the link below:
Contest link:
Category of contest: School Students Contest
Disclaimer: As our blog was started to support students and innovators to know all latest contest, we furnish the details in our blog post which are taken from the contest link which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward or date of closing is now responsible for the changes.