Closing Date: 31 March 2020(refer Contest Link) Reward: 1 Lakh INR (1st Prize)
Contest Outline:
COVID 19 Solution Challenge is organized as we know Government of India is taking all necessary steps to ensure that peoples are prepared well to face the challenge and threat posed by the growing pandemic of COVID 19 – the Corona Virus. With active support of the people of India, government have been able to contain the spread of the Virus in India. The most important factor in preventing the spread of the Virus locally is to empower the citizens with the right information and taking precautions as per the advisories being issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. Further, they are also getting inputs with regard to individuals and companies who have developed technologies and innovative solutions, Bioinformatics, datasets, Apps for diagnosis etc that can be leveraged for strengthening the fight against Corona.
In order to involve the community in the fight against the Virus, Government of India would want you to share your solutions to help fight Coronavirus. Submitted solutions will be evaluated for adoption and those selected will be suitable rewarded.

How to Apply:
Applicants must complete and submit the solution on the link provided by uploading either a PDF of the document (max 3 A4 size pages with Font Arial Size 12px) of the solution or a YouTube link of the solution (maximum 3 minutes duration) in the Contest website
Who can Apply?
Applicants who want to participate in COVID 19 Solution Challenge can be individuals or Startups that comply with the definition of startup as notified by DPIIT vide order no G.S.R. 127(E) dated 19th February 2019.
For the product to be developed as part of COVID 19 Solution Challenge, if any IPR/Patent is being used, contesting entity must possess the legitimate rights to use the IPR/Patents.
Also Check: 5G Hackathon 2020
1st Prize - Rs 1,00,000
2nd Prize - Rs 50,000
3rd Prize - Rs 25,000

............INNOVATE TO WIN............
For more details and application visit the link below:
Category of contest: Startup, Government
Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries and innovators to know various contest updates , we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.