Closing Date: 17 Mar 2021 (Check Contest Website)
About AI for Agriculture Hackathon:
AI for Agriculture Hackathon is organized as a partnership with MyGov, Hindustan Unilever Limited(HUL) and Google. The World Water Day is celebrated around the world on March 22 each year. In this Occasion MyGov, Google and HUL want to partner with the ideators to bring AI solutions to the Agriculture field.
Problem Statement:
80% of India's fresh water is used in agriculture. Water is an integral part of India's food security and improving the efficiency of its use is essential. The aim of this event is to catalyze solutions that can reduce the use of inputs (especially water) and transform agricultural yields. Participants will develop ideas and build prototypes to solve the main challenges farmers face in water use and sustainability. In addition to Insights from HUL and hardware and technical support from Google, selected attendees will receive ongoing support through partnerships, technical advice, funding and market testing until launch.

Areas of intervention / possible challenges to be resolved for:
Inputs (wasted water), the market (yield sales) and crops (which crops to grow with what water consumption).
Participants must choose a problem statement given by experts (or their own problem statement related to water sustainability)
Google hardware will be shipped to selected participants for prototyping solutions
Technical advice and support from Google, regardless of participants' experience and level of AI expertise
A dedicated Google contact point (POC) for online assistance to participants during the 3 days
Dedicated office hours and networking opportunities with agricultural experts and the Google technical team
Long-term partnership and access to resources and funding to deploy hackathon prototypes in the field
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3-Day Virtual Hackathon:
The program begins with a 3-day virtual workshop from March 22 to 24. 2021. The workshop brings Google Tech to startups and agribusinesses to brainstorm and prototype to solve the key challenges farmers face today in water use and efficiency.
A 3- Day virtual workshop wherein Subject Matter Experts (SME) will develop problem statements
Agri startups/ corporations shall take up the problem statements or suggest their own and come up with AI led Agri solutions
Participants shall be provided with the infrastructure and support for solutions to be built along with AI tools and platforms, including:
Google Cloud
By the end the hackathon, we expect to have multiple prototypes to take forward and roll out to the field to test and further develop them

Register today for Innovism 2.0-Virtual Innovative Symposium: Click to know more
Shortlisting Procedure
Proposed Solution: Does the solution adequately tackle the problem statement?
Product Fit: Will the solution be easy to use and accessible to farmers?
Tech Feasibility: Can the tech deliver on the product promise?
Scalability of Solution: Is the solution scalable enough?
Virtual Hackathon: 22nd - 24th March 2021
Registration Opening Date: 15th March 2021
Registration Closing Date: 17th March 2021

Selected prototypes and teams will get an opportunity to partner with HUL and Google to further develop Prototypes to Products to Platforms to roll out to farmers in the field for long term impact!
.............INNOVATE TO WIN..............
For more details and registration visit the contest link below:
Category of contest: Hackathon
ProjectContest YouTube:
ProjectContest Instagram:
Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries and innovators to know various contest updates , we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.